Published date: 30 July 2019

NLWA awards contracts for mixed dry recyclables

NLWA has recently awarded replacement contracts to Biffa Waste Services Ltd and Bywaters Ltd for processing its mixed dry recyclables under a negotiated procurement procedure. The contracts will begin in December 2019.
Andrew O’Connor, Head of Strategy and Services, North London Waste Authority, added: “NLWA is very pleased that we will be continuing to work with our existing contractors to provide an excellent recycling service for north London residents. In awarding these contracts north London will be able to continue recycling a wide range of materials; under the new contracts we will see improved reporting and traceability of end destinations for recycling, providing further reassurance to north London residents about what happens to their recyclable material. The new contracts will also bring particular additional benefits for the local community; for example, Biffa will be contributing to NLWA’s Community Fund, which supports local voluntary organisations to deliver activities that help local people reduce their waste.”