Published date: 10 May 2018

Opportunities in North London Waste Authority

These roles are:

Head of Strategy and Services

The postholder will have lead responsibility for developing and managing the Authority’s contracts for waste disposal and recycling services so as to secure good value and high standards of service for the 2 million residents of North London. This particularly includes working with LondonEnergy Ltd, where NLWA is both the shareholder of the  company and the client for its services.

In addition the postholder will have the leading role in preparing the NLWA to deal with the operating challenges of the future, including developing a North London Joint Waste Strategy for the period beyond 2020.


Heat and Power Programme Director

We are creating a new role to lead the delivery of our North London Heat and Power Project, building a new Energy from Waste (EfW) plant and associated infrastructure. The current team has succeeded in securing a development consent order for the scheme. The project is now being taken forward and we seek a leader experienced in managing infrastructure projects through procurement and construction, with the aim of opening the new EfW facility in the mid-2020s.


The roles are advertised at with a closing date of 11 June.
