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Useful resources for teachers

We thought it would be handy to put a list of teaching resources in one place, for educators to be able to explore for themselves the wealth of waste and recycling sources on the internet. A lot of the content on our Education Hub is from these sources, but there’s plenty more out there. 

We have also put together a list of newsletters to get waste prevention, and more generic environment-related, teaching content straight into your inbox. Don’t forget to sign up to the NLWA newsletter to be notified when we add new content to the Education Hub! 

General waste and recycling resources

Ages 4-11 

Ages 4-16 

  • Wastebuster’s teacher resources webpage is a global platform which has a huge variety of materials, from informative videos for pupils to explain key concepts, to toolkits for teachers to improve their school’s waste footprint. You will need to register to access the resources, there are tiers of membership for your school including a free version for the most basic access 

  • The Pod, ran by Wastebuster, offers materials to educators around all-things environment, for waste reduction and sustainable behaviours there are lesson plans, classroom activities, posters and much more. You will need to register to access the materials but it’s free for teachers to sign up! 

  • Young People’s Trust for the Environment’s classroom resources for teachers has free downloadable resources such as assemblies and lesson plans  

  • Oak National Academy has catered different waste and recycling educators’ resources to fit in with the national curriculum subjects 

  • Groundwork’s Activities for Educators provides toolkits on outdoors and recycling-themed activities to get the class engaged in thinking about waste and recycling topics, or connecting with nature to appreciate the environment we live in! 

Plastic waste, ages 4-16

  • Kids Against Plastic have devised multiple activities for schools to get pupils of all ages involved in the fight against plastic pollution 

Food waste, ages 4-16

Newsletters of interest

  • Stay connected | SEEd (  – Sustainability and Environmental Education (SEEd) shares their latest news, including upcoming events, and ways to make an impact in the classroom 

  • The Action Pack ( – get the latest inspiration from Recycle Now to keep the children active and engaged in all-things recycling