Journey of Plastic Webinar

14:30 - 15:15

Plastic is everywhere. For the majority of people we come into contact with some form of plastic every single day and we may not even realise it.

At North London Waste Authority we often receive a lot of enquiries from our north London residents regarding plastic and recycling. So, we have decided to host a webinar specifically on the topic of plastic.

This webinar aims to present a holistic approach to the life cycle of plastic and on how effective communications can help encourage plastic reduction and recycling.

You will learn about:

  • Different types of plastics we use in our daily life
  • What happens to our plastics - beyond the bin?
  • Tips to reduce plastic generation
  • Benefits of plastic recycling
  • Role of communications

You can register on Eventbrite here.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch:
