Contingency arrangements for meeting originally scheduled for 11 May 2021

On 4 April 2020 Government regulations applying to Local Authority meetings under the Coronavirus Act came into effect which allowed local authorities to hold formal decision-making meetings virtually – this is not permitted under the legislation other than through these Regulations.  NLWA has the benefit of these Regulations and has been holding virtual meetings during the last year.  The Regulations come to an end on 7 May 2021 and the Government has indicated that they will not be extended.   

As a joint waste authority, covering seven London boroughs, any meeting of the Authority requires Members and supporting officers to travel through north London to get to the meeting place.  While there has been a relaxation of restrictions, there remain two stages in the Government’s plan to remove social distancing measures, and therefore the Authority is not intending to hold a meeting in person on 11 May.  Plans are being put in place to return to in person meetings as soon as practical, and this website will contain updates relating to specific meetings going forward.

Under normal circumstances, key Authority decisions are taken by Members in meetings set up formally, in compliance with the Local Government Act 1972, and must be held in person, not by telephone or online. Until safe, practical arrangements can be put in place, decisions of the Authority must be taken by an officer in compliance with the Authority’s Standing Orders. The Authority is following this approach to ensure that work can continue during this period and that the Authority can meet its statutory duty to dispose of the waste collected by the seven north London boroughs.

Authority Members will be consulted on decisions that need to be made about Authority business and activities within a set timeframe. The information on which a decision will be made will be circulated to Members by email in report format. This approach reflects the normal way reports are circulated to members in advance of Authority meetings.

Copies of the reports that members will be consulted on are available below – there are no key decisions being recommended at this meeting:

North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP) Update and Reports
North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP) Risk Management Plan
North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP) Carbon Management Strategy
North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP) Forward Plan