Request for information about emissions from the Edmonton energy-from-waste facility

Nature of Request
EcoPark current operations
Case id


Date received
  1. Your request was for the following information:

1.1.  Detailed emissions data from the Edmonton Incinerator annually since 1970.

1.2. Detailed comparable emissions data of transport and the major industries on NCR/A406 Crooked Billet to Fore Street, Edmonton.

1.3. Detailed comparable emissions data of transport and the major industries on Mollison Avenue, Enfield. ​​​​​​​

1.4. Detailed comparable emissions data of transport and the major industries on Meridian Way, Enfield.

​​​​​​​1.5. Details of current plans to improve air quality and health outcomes between Billet, Chingford, and Edmonton Fore Street and Enfield Island Village.



Response date

2. NLWA Response

This request is being handled under the Environmental Information Regulations (EiR) 2004 and has been allocated the reference number 2020-88 [1]and we respond as follows:

 2.2   In regards to 1.1 above, North London Waste Authority (NLWA) does not hold emission data for this period. Emissions are reported by LondonEnergy Ltd to the Environment Agency as required who hold this data. Accordingly we make an exception to the release of this information. This email acts as a refusal notice in line with Regulation 12 (4) of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) ‘Authority does not hold the information’ for this part of the information that you have requested.

2.3   In regards to 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 in the above request, NLWA does not hold specific point data in the locations you have specified but uses London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory summary data to conduct our comparions analysis. This email acts as a refusal notice in line with Regulation 12 (4) of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) ‘Authority does not hold the information’ for this part of the information that you have requested.  

 2.4   In regards to 1.5 in the above request NLWA is not responsible for improving air quality and health outcomes in the specified locations. Accordingly we make an exception to the release of this information. This email acts as a refusal notice in line with Regulation 12 (4) of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) ‘Authority does not hold the information’ for this part of the information that you have requested.

However, there are specific elements of the North London Heat and Power Project that have been selected because they are the best available technologies to reduce emissions that can contribute to air pollution such as Nitrogen Oxides. Plans on the selection of this technology are set out in the Environmental Statement, Volume Two, Section 2.6.9 and 2.6.10. This document is publicly available here:

[1] Given the nature of our activities and the fact that environmental information is interpreted quite broadly we now generally answer information requests under the Environmental Information Regulations rather than the Freedom of Information Act. Further detail is available at: